Fascia Release: Why Everyone Wants It

You know how you have that tool in your life, but before you got it, you had no idea about it or how much you were missing it? And now, you think to yourself, ‘how did I live without this?’ Well, that’s Fascia Release.

 What Is Fascia?

Historically, medical schools taught fascia was the body’s plastic-like wrapping, just below the skin, that needed to be cut through to get to the real stuff underneath. Because of new imaging technology, fascia is finally getting its due.

Fascia is a thinly spun web of collagen tubules that connect the outermost parts of our bodies (those just below the skin) with every individual cell, thereby connecting every aspect of the body with itself.

Imagine a grapefruit. It has a fibrous white coating that surrounds the fruit inside of the peel. The tendrils of white fibers surround each fruit section and then become finer, weaving around each individual teardrop of grapefruit fruit. Without the white fiber, the fruit would be formless.

 And now imagine, every emotion, sensation, trauma, movement, surgery, and accident impacted a force upon that white fibrous network such that the smallest fruit sections felt pressure, real or imagined, of a thumbprint on its rind. That’s how sensitive and impactful fascia is.

 What Is Fascia Release?

Fascia release starts with asking questions and making observations. Your alignment - the way you stand, rotate a shoulder, flex your jaw muscles – are clues about your fascia network.

Using a light touch, I assess fascia patterns underneath the skin. I hone in on areas of stuckness and adhesions that are causing constriction and tension within the fascia web. Listening to your body’s needs, I gently facilitate unwinding of unhealthy patterns and reset a pattern that supports mobility, gliding, and ease within your physical and emotional body.

Once unwound, maintenance is key. I instruct you in a couple, simple, therapeutic yoga exercises to sustain your relief. No yoga experience needed.

 And then life happens, and the patterns shift again. That’s the nature of things. But the next time, your body has a better awareness of how to be in a healthier pattern. Your body is constantly learning and adapting. You are proactive, not reactive. 

Will a Foam Roller or a Massage Help?

Yes, foam rollers and massage can break up fascia adhesions. And you should feel better.

BUT they do not guide the body’s fascia web network to reset a pattern. Repatterning requires an internal participation of your brain and body’s intelligence. To use an old cliche - the difference between being given a fish and being taught how to fish.

What Are Some Conditions That Can Improve With Fascia Release?

· Musculo-skeletal, sacral, and cranial misalignments, injuries, chronic conditions, & mobility issues

· Adhesions - from scar tissue, surgeries, accidents, misalignment patterns, birth patterns

·  Rest and digest functioning – relieving restrictions on vagus nerve and related organs

· Emotional pain – day to day emotional tension & restrictions, resolve suppressed emotions, trauma. “Your issues are in your tissues”.

· Pain and anxiety– especially that has not responded to other modalities

· Auto-immune condition symptoms

How Can I Help You?

My life’s passion is to hold space, listen, and validate your grit and grace, and guide you home to yourself. I have over 20 years and over 11,000 client hours of holistic healing experience, serving clients of all ages and needs.

Kim Ellner