Lymphatic Health - Part 3: Lymphatic Drainage Augments Craniosacral Work

All body parts ( bones, muscles, organs, etc) should move independently of their neighbors. When body parts don’t move the way they are supposed to move, the restrictions interfere with proper body functioning. *

The first of these Lymphatic Health blog posts explored the lymphatic system and its benefits, Lymphatic Health -Part 1. The second blog post went over techniques and tips to support your lymphatic system Lymphatic Health - Part 2 . I encourage you to read these for a background in lymphatics.

This post details why, when you come to me for a session, I combine lymphatic drainage and craniosacral to result in an optimum outcome.

In lymphatic drainage and craniosacral, I use my hands to assess whether the body has normal movement; noting areas of restriction, weakness, and over mobility. Using gentle touch, I restore proper mobility.

Areas of restriction, weakness and over mobility are often caused by 1) structural differences (i.e. scoliosis, smaller or larger hip sockets, sunken sternum,…) 2) injury 3) surgery 4) long held tension associated with stress 5) compensatory patterns 6) scarring 7) response to physical and/or emotional trauma, and most recently, 8) long covid symptoms

Restrictions, weakness and over mobility can lead to pain. Why? Because we have receptors in our body that deliver messages from the brain to a body part and/or from a body part to the brain. When something’s wrong, one way the body communicates it to your mind is through pain, so that you will take an action to restore balance within the body. It’s common for us to ignore these messages and thus the restrictions, weaknesses, and over mobility situations worsen.

Many of you know that I think of the systems of the body as a set of rivers. River water will continue to flow around any obstacles it encounters, such as large rocks or fallen trees, but it’s just not flowing as smoothly. This is the same for the body. When the body’s rivers are flowing smoothly, all is well. Lymphatic drainage works to remove the top layer of fallen trees and rocks. And once the body’s river is cleared of these surface obstacles, I use craniosacral to remove the underlying, long held in place obstacles. Once the deeper obstacles are removed, then the body’s rivers are free to flow fully and in a more productive pattern. And the pain related to these obstacles often goes away. To sustain this free flow and new patterning, I apply yoga therapy, tailored to your specific needs.

It’s taken a long time, but the US medical community is finally coming around to the realization that lymphatic drainage and craniosacral are effective, economical, and gentle solutions to many chronic issues that are not being solved through medications. In Europe, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral are routinely administered in the normal course of health care.

If you have any questions about lymphatic drainage and craniosacral, please reach out to me. I practice these modalities on myself on a regular basis. For me, lymphatic drainage and craniosacral allow my posture to be upright despite my severe scoliosis, calm my nervous system which tends towards agitation, and sustains a healthy skin tone, facial symmetry, and well functioning digestive and elimination system.

Resources: * The Carol Gray Center for CST Studies

To book a session with me - Contact me

Cleveland Clinic - What is craniosacral?

Leah Levitan - @lymphloveclub

Kim Ellner